In the layout editor, delete the data element that BIRT automatically adds to the group header. 在layout编辑器中,删除BIRT自动添加到组标题的数据元素。
Typical exposed properties are most of the fields in the data element. 常见的公开属性是数据元素中的大多数字段。
Almost every Lotus Notes application is based on one or more data element types. 几乎所有LotusNotes应用程序都是基于一个或多个数据元素类型。
Consequently it should be recast as a tag/ data element pair. 因此,应将它重新构造为标记/数据元素对。
Now we know how to interpret the value of the data element as well. 现在我们也知道了如何解释数据元素的值。
In order to visualize the data element, first make a JDBC connection from the database server view. 为了可视化数据元素,首先从数据库服务器视图中建立一个JDBD连接。
The detailed information component style provides full details on the referred data element. 详细信息组件样式将提供关于所引用的数据元素的完整信息。
Each LOM data element is similar to a Dublin Core metadata element, with some overlap between the two. 每个LOM数据元素都有类似的DublinCore元数据元素,两者之间存在重叠。
The first approach would be to have one data element table for each type of data elements. 第一种方法是为每一种类型的数据元素准备一个数据元素表。
This component is for listing a type of data element in a variety of ways. 此组件用于通过各种方法列出数据元素类型。
Note the StringBuilder and the appending of data, used because a particular data element can be processed across multiple reads on the InputSource. 注意,使用StringBuilder和附加数据是因为一个特定数据在InputSource上能通过多个读取来进行处理。
Earlier in the project we may have captured a subset of the overall data for that data element but that may not be sufficient for this new report. 在项目的较早期,我们可能为该数据元素获取了整个数据的子集,但这对新报告可能是不够的。
There are lots of columns in this table definition, representing every data element defined in the response message. 在这个表定义中有很多个列,它们分别表示响应消息中定义的每个数据元素。
The methodology requires transforming each entry into a method and transforming each parameter into an XML data element. 此方法要求将每个条目转换为方法,将每个参数转换为XML数据元素。
In a composite application, you can improve on this by bringing up an edit mode component for the data element in a focus and periphery style page. 在复合应用程序中,您可以通过在焦点和外围样式页面中打开数据元素的编辑模式组件来改进这一点。
You saw this in the earlier facet example, where a data element was described by multiple characteristics. 从前面的方面示例中可以看到这点,其中一个数据元素由多个特征进行描述。
An index entry is created for each data element. 为每个数据元素创建索引项。
A query to this database could determine what source modules and data files must change if an existing data element is altered or a new data element is added. 如果现有数据元素发生了变化或添加了新数据元素,可通过查询此数据库来确定必须更改哪些源模块和数据文件。
Is the attribute truly metadata, and not actually a data element? 这个属性确实是元数据而实际上不是数据元素吗?
Using links to connect project information can be a useful way to explore and navigate from one data element to another in a requirements management tool. 使用链接来连接项目信息,可能是一种在需求管理工具中浏览和从一个数据元素导航到另一个数据元素的有用方式。
This is a framework of types and properties that provides a set of rules to which the data must conform and a means of accessing a data element by describing its path from another data element. 这是类型和属性的框架,提供了一组数据必须满足的规则,并可通过从其他数据元素描述其路径来访问数据元素。
Is this data, or is it actually metadata ( information about another data element)? 这是数据吗,或者实际上它是元数据(关于另一个数据元素的信息)吗?
The methods have their arguments and results as references to the data element descriptions. 方法将其参数和结果作为引用添加到数据元素描述中。
This paper describes the extraction of data element and its attributes. 阐述了数据元素及其基本属性的提取方法。
Standardization of dataset and data element of military health information 军队卫生信息数据集和数据元的标准化
Derived Data Element that collects its data by using a method at a poling interval. 在轮询间隔内用方法收集其数据的派生数据成分。
In the forest fire control system is an important data element collection, treatment and platform communications. 森林防火系统中重要的是数据元素的采集、处理和平台的通信。
A data element may combine with one or more other data elements or digital objects to form a digital record. 一个数据元可以连结一个或多个数据元或数字对象,从而形成电子文件。
Derived Data Element that collects its data by registering an event notification query. 通过注册事件通知查询收集其数据的派生数据成分。
This paper describes the rules for naming, definition and identification of data element. 阐述了数据元素命名、定义和标识的原则和方法,并举例加以说明。